I began to experience mild symptom at first, such as: throat ache, diarrhea, and an overall flu-like sensation. These progressed over the weekend into body chills and aches, very severe and acute headaches (which are my weak spot having Pseudotumor Cerebri), and I went from no fever to a low-grade fever.
Having so many medical issues I am not one to panic. But I am also very aware that I need to safeguard those around me. Hence, I called my doctor who suggested, due to my symptomology, a COVID-19 test. Now mind you, I live under very strict precautions as I am high-risk. So, how would I have ever contracted a virus, any virus/bacteria? The question still remains. Curiously, and even though I was sure I did not have this particular virus, the wait for the results was my new understanding of the possible horrific outcomes and ramifications I might be facing. Is living in this ‘fear’ the new ‘normal’, I wondered?
Yet, fortunately, my test came back negative. Yippee! And also, yet, there was also a lack of care for whatever ailment I was dealing with, which was a another new outcome to me.
I share this video, and this experience, when I was still feeling quite ill, especially with a bad headache, wishing to get off camera and quickly as possible; but knowing that maybe this might help someone out there. May all your results be negative, and may you continue to search for health in this seemingly void of answers. Thank you for listening!